Every child has an innate potential and an area of interest. PSF’s priority is to reach out to every child, helping them harness their innate potential and areas of interest while building themselves to see challenges differently and explore various facets of life as they come. We are committed to helping every young mind see failure as a step ahead of actual success.
In essence, we believe we can maximize the “Power of Education” to create solutions.
We know that Nigeria and the world at large is plagued with different challenges. However, here is our strategy for achieving our vision:
Our strategy ensures that more young people get in right early in life such that their minds are empowered to see and solve the challenges of their immediate environment. Our strategy develops champions and we use educational and intellectual programs, training, workshops, competitions, reading clubs, and mentorship to empower the minds of young solution innovators while they fulfill their purpose.
We strongly believe that these individuals would influence their peers to be solution providers too. Imagine the ripple effect of positive change that would occur in every unit of this great country if we have people who are committed to seeing a change in their society. With the right support from insightful minds, we hope to see this vision materialize over time.